Confucius said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
I am pleased to say that I have found that statement to be true. I have worked doing a lot of things over the years from construction labor, a greenhouse manager, and a factory worker to a shoe salesman, a magician, and a quality control manager. But, in 1984, I entered the world of videography and marketing, and what a great ride it has been.
I absolutely love what I do, which is helping people solve problems. Usually, this is a communication issue that can be addressed through video or website development, and other times it is a skill that they need to improve. I love to hear of the successes that the changes have made in their business. Over the years we have touched 100’s of business owners and in turn, had a positive impact on thousands of lives. I have also been fortunate to hire some incredibly special people that always made me look good. What a great occupation to have.
How about you?