Hidden Talents

Hidden Talents

Many years ago, when my oldest son was still a little more than waist-high, I had the occasion to stay home and take care of my wife who had the flu. I was in the kitchen doing something that I did a million times before I got married, but rarely since…I was fixing...
Bad Phone Messages

Bad Phone Messages

This is a personal rant on something that has bugged me for a long time or at least every time I hear it. In business, you must be careful when communicating with customers. Sometimes, something said in one context can be heard quite differently. For example, how many...
Proven Performance

Proven Performance

When buying anything nowadays, we look for a good review. In fact, reviews have become the new word of mouth. A good review about a product, even from someone that you don’t know, actually has more influence than websites, commercials, ads, or anything else except a...
Good Intentions but …

Good Intentions but …

I always tell my clients that I can do whatever they want, but I will always tell them what I think. I say this because, after working with hundreds of businesses, many times I have seen this scenario before and know that it will not play out as they expect. Sometimes...