John Dryden once said, “We first make our habits, then our habits make us.” I find that has been true in my personal and business life. Here is a weird example. I went to Hargrave Military Academy for two years. The three meals a day that I ate was served by cadets waiting on three tables at a time. Because of this, they would bring out three platters of meat and then go back and get the potatoes, etc. This took several trips per meal and while they were gone to get the next dish, we gobbled up the first one. I subconsciously learned, to eat one thing at a time. To this day unless someone mentions it, I will still default to my learned habit of eating one thing until it’s gone, before moving on to the next.
Our habits do not need to be created by accident or circumstance. We can choose to create a habit that helps to lead us or our business to what we want it to be. Experts say it takes 21 days to form a new habit, what will your new habit be?