I have a large library of positive thinking, motivation, and business books, tapes, CDs, etc. collected over my 37 years in business. Back in 1990, I was on my way to Rochester NY to spend the weekend teaching a group of entrepreneurs about the video production business that they had just purchased a franchise for. My trip to New York included a layover in Pittsburgh PA. As the plane was approaching Pittsburgh, I was listening to my new tape series and drinking tomato juice. Things started to get a little bumpy as we entered a thunderstorm. The “fasten your seat belt” sign came on, and I continued listening to the virtues of positive thinking.
Suddenly, we hit some sort of air pocket and the plane just dropped. It felt like it was falling forever. People were yelling and screaming! I may have been one of them. When it finally stopped falling, the overhead bins opened, dumping baggage everywhere, and the serving cart which had been slightly airborne during the fall, wedged between the seats blocking the aisle. My tomato juice had its own adventure, as it went straight up and came down in my lap, soaking my white jeans with a big red stain. Just as it hit my pants, a voice boomed over my headphones from the tape I was listening to. It said, “You have right now, exactly what you want!” I remember looking at the stain and thinking “I don’t think so”.
That statement may have been out of place during that particular event, but in my life as a whole, I understood what he was saying. Tomato juice stain aside, I was in a way living my dream. I was where I wanted to be relationship-wise, with a wife and family. I owned my own business that I loved to do. And I was on my way to teach and help others which is something I had a real passion for. All of this came about by a series of choices and decisions that I had made over a period of years.
Don’t get me wrong, not everything worked out over those years. There were plenty of failures and restarts, but even those were a result of my choices (both good and bad) and the decisions that I made. I found that during a failure or setback, and even circumstances beyond my control, my choice is in how I handled it.
As Victor Frankl said in his book “A Man’s Search for Meaning”, “The last of human freedoms – the ability to choose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances. – Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. “
The same is true for you too. Let’s face it, you are where you are right now due to your best thinking. If it is not where you want to be, an outside consultation may give you some new information, a new perspective, and or create some solutions to help get you there. Calling for a consultation is a decision that you can make as well, and you can make it right now! We have worked with 100’s of businesses and would be happy to help you too. You can book your FREE consultation here. Go to: https://bit.ly/3v2dNt3