Growing up in Norfolk, I had a friend named Gordon. Gordon was a year older than I was and was always showing off. This was especially true when it came to girls. He was always planning something, and this day was no different. Looking down the street, he saw a group of five girls walking our way. He got my brother and I together and said,
“Look, guys, I have a great idea. When the girls get to the corner up there, I will start running and clear that chain link fence with only one hand. Here is the cool part, just as I leap, you yell, Hey Gordon!. The girls will look, just as I clear the fence. It’s a great plan and they will really be impressed.”
We agreed and at the appropriate moment, Gordon began his run. He leaped just as the girls had reached the desired location, but instead of clearing the fence, his tennis shoe got caught on the top of the fence. This stopped him at the peak of the jump, flipped him upside down, and left him hanging there on the fence. Of course, we stuck to the plan and yelled, “ Hey Gordon” again and again. The girls stopped and laughed, and Gordon was upset.
“Why did you continue with the plan when you could see it wasn’t working out.?’ I think we said something about being true to the plan, but honestly, it was just funny.
Sometimes in business, you have a great idea, you build a plan and then you execute it. There are times when it does not achieve the desired results. In that situation, it is not funny, it is costly. Failing is fine if you measure it, tweak it, and try to improve it so that it will begin to work. All too often, I see companies that are doing something that is not paying off for them, but they keep doing it. Doubling down on a failed strategy is not a good option.
For example, let us say you are driving a lot of traffic to your website, but are getting no calls. Obviously, your ads are working, but there is a disconnect between your prospect and your message. Either they are not receiving your message, or do not care about the message you are delivering. If you change that, you change everything.
We help our clients craft a message that speaks directly to their prospects about their needs, their problems, and the outcomes they are looking for. This allows a connection to form that will let you stand out as a unique solution in a crowded field. Our clients find that with the right message, that traffic that is coming to their website can really pay off.
So, how is your messaging? You can book a free consultation at: https://bit.ly/3v2dNt3