by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | About Rory, Business Operations, Latest Thoughts, News
When you look at special effects in movies nowadays, it’s amazing at how far they have come. I remember taking my youngest son Eric to see “Jurassic Park 2 The Lost World”. After the movie, I was flipping through the channels at home and came across...
by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | Business Operations, Latest Thoughts, News
In my business innovation is a constant thing to deal with. New video formats, new techniques, new demands etc. The same is true in every business. If you are not changing, you are losing ground. Everywhere the markets are changing, consumer habits are shifting, and...
by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | About Rory, Business Operations, Latest Thoughts, News
John Dryden once said, “We first make our habits, then our habits make us.” I find that has been true in my personal and business life. Here is a weird example. I went to Hargrave Military Academy for two years. The three meals a day that I ate was served...
by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | Business Operations, Latest Thoughts
Being in business is tough, to say the least. We have all heard the statistics that only 18% of businesses make it. In some cases, far less than that achieve real success. Those that do make it, did not make it as a “flash-in-the-pan” where they just go to...