by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | About Rory, Business Operations, Latest Thoughts, News
I have a large library of positive thinking, motivation, and business books, tapes, CDs, etc. collected over my 37 years in business. Back in 1990, I was on my way to Rochester NY to spend the weekend teaching a group of entrepreneurs about the video production...
by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | About Rory, Latest Thoughts, News
One fond memory that I have happened in 1984. I had been working with David Copperfield’s team on Project Magic. It was a volunteer program that taught Occupational Therapists and their patients magic, as a type of therapy. I volunteered weekly with therapists at The...
by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | About Rory, Business Operations, Latest Thoughts, News
When I was about 11 years old, I was playing on an ice-covered lake with a group of my friends. We were taking turns riding on a sled while the others pulled it. When the sled got up enough speed, they would let go, and you would just sail across the lake. As we did...
by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | Business Operations, Latest Thoughts, News
Growing up in Norfolk, I had a friend named Gordon. Gordon was a year older than I was and was always showing off. This was especially true when it came to girls. He was always planning something, and this day was no different. Looking down the street, he saw a group...
by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | Business Operations, Latest Thoughts, News
Confucius said, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. I am pleased to say that I have found that statement to be true. I have worked doing a lot of things over the years from construction labor, a greenhouse manager, and a factory...
by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | Business Operations, Latest Thoughts, News
There is a new show on Discovery called “Six Degrees with Mike Rowe” it’s based on the theory that everybody is connected to everybody else, and you can make that connection through six people or less. It’s a fun show to watch because you learn a lot of obscure...
by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | About Rory, Latest Thoughts, News
I was cleaning out a cabinet at home and ran across this picture of my wife Zelia from forty-seven years ago. I do not remember where we were going. A Christmas party I guess. But I do know that I was glad to be going with...
by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | Business Operations, Latest Thoughts, News
I remember back in 1985 we had a little lady come into our office to have some movie film converted to videotape. In 1985 the two home video formats were VHS and Beta. So, I ask her, “Will that be on VHS or Beta”, and she said, “No Honey, VISA!” In that example, it...
by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | About Rory, Business Operations, Latest Thoughts, News
When you look at special effects in movies nowadays, it’s amazing at how far they have come. I remember taking my youngest son Eric to see “Jurassic Park 2 The Lost World”. After the movie, I was flipping through the channels at home and came across...
by roryrmg | Jul 8, 2021 | Allied Video Services, Latest Thoughts, News, Production
You know, in business it is good to have a backup plan for a variety of things. In our video and marketing business, we are certainly backing up as many of the systems and files as we can. As far as computers go and video files, all of these are backed up in several...